Bulk marketing emails are a popular and effective marketing approach for organizations, but they often come with deliverability problems. Organizations can risk being blacklisted by certain ISPs, or their messages may end up in the recipient's spam folder.

Publishing a DMARC record for a domain enables ISPs (that have adopted DMARC) to provide feedback about email authentication. This feedback helps organizations to improve their email authentication with SPF and DKIM, ultimately increasing their email deliverability.

Enabling a DMARC record also alerts ISPs that an organization is working on improving the security of their domain. ISPs prioritize their customers receiving legitimate messages and avoiding spam. As a result, ISPs are more likely to let messages pass from a domain that has published a DMARC record. Publishing a DMARC record for a domain used in email marketing can lead to messages previously marked as spam now being delivered directly into the recipient's primary inbox.

In summary, implementing DMARC in email marketing can improve email deliverability by:

  • Receiving feedback about email authentication
  • Improving email authentication with SPF and DKIM
  • Alerting ISPs of security improvements for the domain
  • Increasing the likelihood of messages being delivered directly to the recipient's primary inbox.