This article provides a step-by-step guide for customers looking to add a new credit card to their account. The process differs depending on whether there is an outstanding bill or not. Follow the instructions below to add your credit card successfully.

Adding a New Credit Card Without an Outstanding Bill

If you do not have an outstanding bill and wish to add a new credit card to your account, please follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Customer Portal: Log in to your account on the customer portal.
  2. Access Payment Methods: Find and click on the option to add a payment method, which is typically located in the account or billing settings.
  3. Enter Credit Card Details: Input your new credit card information as prompted.
  4. Contact Support: After adding your new payment method, you need to contact customer support to associate the new payment method with your subscription. This step is necessary as the system does not automatically assign the new payment method to your subscription.

Adding a New Credit Card with an Outstanding Bill

If you have an outstanding bill and wish to add a new credit card to your account, the process will also associate the card with your subscription. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Log in to the Customer Portal: Access your account through the customer portal.
  2. Find the Outstanding Invoice: Navigate to the billing or invoices section and locate the outstanding invoice.
  3. Pay Now: Click on the “Pay Now” button associated with the outstanding invoice.
  4. Enter New Credit Card Details: When prompted, input the details of the new credit card you wish to use.
  5. Complete Payment: Follow the remaining prompts to complete the payment for the outstanding invoice. This action will automatically associate your new credit card with the subscription.

Important Notes

  • Direct Association: It is currently not possible to directly associate a new payment method with your subscription without first paying for an outstanding invoice.
  • Contact Support: If you've added a payment method without an outstanding bill and need it associated with your subscription, you must contact customer support for assistance.

Contacting Support

If you encounter any issues or have questions regarding the process of adding a new credit card to your account, please reach out to our support team. Provide them with the details of your situation, and they will assist you in ensuring your new payment method is correctly associated with your subscription.


We understand the importance of managing your payment methods efficiently. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure your new credit card is added to your account correctly. If you require further assistance, our support team is here to help.